
Asirvanam Benedictine retreat centre is one of the oldest retreat centres in Bangalore. When we came to Kengeri in 1957 many people requested us to have a retreat house so that they could come and stay with monks and pray. And so we started a small retreat house to accommodate twenty persons. This was the humble beginning of Asirvanam Benedictine Retreat Centre. Later we built new buildings with well furnished rooms. We undertake guided retreat for priests, nuns, seminarians and lay people. Around a hundred acres monastery’s silent campus facilitates the persons to enter into one’s own cave and experience God better. The Gregorian chant of the monks during the Divine Office makes spiritual vibration in the campus. To make personal or group retreat in the monastery please book early.
For Booking :

Special Retreats
1. One month prayer integrated midlife management retreat. (For Sisters)
2. Spiritual Renewal Retreat
Fees : Rs. 20,000/-
Resource person
Rev. Fr. James Thattamparamban.OSB.
For Booking please contact
Phone : 09342106900
WhatsApp : 08971792600
Email :
“Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ. And may he bring us all together to everlasting life.”
Rule of Benedict, ch. 72.